Cholesterol isn’t always bad. There are two types of Cholesterol- Good Cholesterol (HDL) and Bad Cholesterol (LDL). Too much cholesterol can negatively impact on body’s functioning. Excess of LDL poses a risk to the heart and increases the chances of stroke.

Cholesterol excess occurs when there is an imbalance of Kapha dosha that works to have proper metabolism in the body. Ayurveda focuses on removing the toxins that cause the accumulation of Cholesterol through its medication and diet therapies.

Ayurvedic medicines are natural and herbal, and without causing side effects, they manage abnormalities. Treatments like Panchakarma and Kapha-pacifying diets are very effective. These are provided at the Ayurvedic Clinic in Paldi Ahmedabad- Aagyarth Ayurveda. These improve digestion, eliminate toxins, and prevent the possibility of blockages.

Visit the Ayurvedic Clinic in Paldi, Ahmedabad, for High Cholesterol Treatment from Ayurvedic Doctor. Also, get all Mediclaim and Cashless facilities available for all the ayurvedic treatments for your health issues.